At Stoneham Bakehouse we’re committed to producing real bread; that is bread without the addition or use of processing aids or other artificial additives. We use organic flour from Shipton Mill in Gloucestershire and buy many of our ingredients from Infinity Foods to ensure they are ethically produced. We very much support the work of the Real Bread Campaign; part of the charity Sustain: the alliance for better food and farming. The Real Bread Campaign fights for better bread in Britain. It’s mantra is “We want everyone to have the chance to choose Real Bread, and we at Stoneham Bakehouse share this aim.

real bread weekTo this end we will be holding a number of events during Real Bread Week (9-15 May). On Tuesday 12th May we’ll be running an Everyday Bread workshop at Hungry Monkey on Stoneham Road. In this workshop we’ll look at basic breadmaking techniques, and simple recipes for baking everyday bread. the session will take you through the kneading, fermenting and proving processes, and give tips to help you bake a successful loaf each time. Suitable for beginnners or those who have baked a bit of bread at home; we’ll make two doughs during the workshop, producing different loaves and rolls to eat and take home. A light lunch will be provided to accompany the bread we’ll make. You will also receive copies of the recipes to take home.

The workshop will run on 12th May between 10am and 2pm. It will be held at Hungry Monkey on Stoneham Road, and places wil cost £50 with the fee including a donation to the Real Bread Campaign. Places are limited to 6 people per session.If you would like to book a place on the workshop, or want to express an interest in future workshops please email
putting rye in the tinWe’ll be baking on Friday 15th as usual; and, although not officially in Real Bread Week, we’ll be baking on the 16th too.  We’ll have samples in the Hive between 12-1pm for you to enjoy, and we will also be having a stall at the first ever Hove Farmers’ Market at St. Philips Church. So, why not come along and find out about Real Bread and your local Community Supported Bakery.

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