elephant bikeWe’re pitching at Brighton Soup on Friday 19th February. Our pitch is for money to get a small delivery bike; a reconditioned Royal Mail bike. The brilliant team at Elephant Bikes take old postal bikes, replace any old parts, respray, then sell them on. Working with HM Prisons, the work is carried out by youg offenders who are developing their employment skills by helping Elephant Bikes to refurbish the bicycles.

elephant bike MalawiIn addition, for every bike that is bought, a bike is donated to their social enterprise in Africa. So, we get a bike to deliver bread, and breadmaking workshops supporting wellbeing; and in addition Elephant Bikes send a bike to Malawi for people to use to get to school, set up a business, or even keep elephants safe from poachers.

If you’re interested in coming along to the Brighton Soup event, tickets are available through their website. We’d love to see you there…the more the merrier.

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