Buns & Bread for Sale

We’ll be baking both Friday and Saturday this week, with the return of the iced bun on Friday afternoon. Having spoken to older residents about the Clark’s Bakery on Stoneham Road, I’ve discovered that one of the most popular breads was the iced bun....

Something For The Weekend?

This week we’ll be baking on Friday (20th) and Saturday (21st), with orders collected at The Hive (Friday 3-4pm, Saturday 12-1pm) as usual. If you fancy a loaf or two, then why not order something for the weekend. We’re making a slightly different...

Bread for Sale

We’re selling bread again this Saturday. If you’re interested in buying some you can order from us by emailing orders@stonehambakehouse.org.uk. You can see what we are offering and our prices, as well as a calendar of future baking dates, by visiting our...

Valentine’s Buns

We’re baking this Friday and will be making some delicious iced buns. As it’s the day before Valentine’s Day, we may even go all out and produce buns with pink icing! If you fancy giving a bun to a loved one, or enjoying one yourself, why not head...

Bread for Sale

We’re selling bread again this Saturday. If you’re interested in buying some you can order from us by emailing orders@stonehambakehouse.org.uk. You can see what we are offering and our prices, as well as a calendar of future baking dates, by visiting our...

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