Much has happened in the last month or so, with time flying since the start of the new year (hence the lack of a February update).

Play Dough Logo_Blue_Low ResThe Playdough project  with Hove Junior School continues to give children the chance to use breadmaking to support their wellbeing. Baking a range of different breads, we’ve been enjoying working together, taking notice and learning new skills.The project has also got a fabulous new logo. Fran and Ruth, at local design agency Osomi, have created us a brilliant logo using the hands of some of the children involved in the project. Reflecting the hands-on nature of the sessions,  children and adults have been really pleased with their work. Thank you Osomi.

#communitybakingThe local Hove community is instrumental to the Stoneham Bakehouse  project. We’ve recently submitted a funding bid to work with some of the older members of our community, and contiune to investigate ways in which we can work with other parts of the community. In the months ahead we have plans to work with nurseries, offer breadmaking courses and widen the impact of bread on the community’s wellbeing. To this end we’re really pleased to announce that we have secured a small amount of funding from the local Healthy Neighbourhood Fund to work with children at Happitots Play School. We’ll be revealing more details in the coming weeks, but we’re very much looking forward to baking with children from the community and teaching them about healthy eating.

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