One of the main aims of Stoneham Bakehouse is to produce good quality bread for the local community. It’s important to us to give the opportunity to as many people as possible to access real bread. One aspect of this is working with groups of people to learn how to bake bread, and how breadmaking can be a very therapeutic activity. 

We’ve recently secured two lots of funding which allow us to have an impact on the community beyond giving volunteering options and providing affordable good quality bread. As previously mentioned, we have received a small grant from The Healthy Neighbourhood Fund (administered by the West Hove Forum) to provide healthy eating and breadmaking workshops to Happitots preschool. These sessions will happen over the next six months or so, giving children, staff, and families alike an insight into healthy food options and bread they can bake.

making light rye (2)Most recently, we’ve won a Good Food Grant from the Brighton and Hove Food Partnership. Our bid was to deliver a series of sessions at the St John’s Centre and Cafe on Palmeira Square, run by Impact Initiatives.  The centre offers a vast range of activites for their members, and Stoneham Bakehouse will be joining them, providing a Men’s Bread Club once a week. The primary aim of the Bread Club will be to give over 50s men the chance  to bake and share food together, giving the opportunity to talk and challenge potential isolation. We’re really pleased to have the support of the Food Partnership, along with Mind Brighton & Hove, with this exciting project. We look forward to baking with the guys at St. John’s.


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