Bread Shed is our project aimed at tackling isolation amongst the older members of our community. It’s all about getting together, baking, chatting, and making connections. Run over a period of months, its proving to be a really beneficial experience for those involved. 

The philosophy behind Bread Shed echoes that of the Men’s Shed movement, who state Sheds are about meeting like-minded people and having someone to share your worries with. They are about having fun, sharing skills and knowledge with like-minded people and gaining a renewed sense of purpose and belonging.” In giving people the chance of baking together we aim to reduce isolation and feelings of loneliness, allowing participants to reconnect with the community they are part of.

Thank you Paula for the recipe attachments and a really lovely morning at the Bread Shed today. The rest of my day was so much more relaxed because of it and I’ve been able to let some of the other hassles today slide passed without getting uptight. I can’t wait for the next session.

Over the time we’ve been running Bread Shed we’ve seen participants grow in confidence, and make connections and friendships. It’s always fun running a Bread Shed session, with lots of reminiscing and chat about our current lives. With wellbeing as a focus, the finer details of baking take a back seat, but this doesn’t mean we don’t produce some delicious bread. Many of our Bread Shed bakers bake at home now, and even share with families and friends.

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