In this Real Bread week, we would like to put a spotlight on some of the Bakehouse’s community impact that is perhaps not so readily visible among its customer base: our wellbeing workshops. David, who participated in the Baking for Bereavement workshops, tells us about what makes these workshops so special.
“The process of kneading and shaping the dough seemed therapeutic in some way that I couldn’t quite work out”
How did you find out about the Baking and Bereavement group?
I was on the LGBT Switchboard’s grief support mailing list and it mentioned the group there.
What attracted you to participating?
During one of the Covid-19 lockdowns, I tried baking sourdough for the first time. Even though I was fortunate enough to have a good and safe lockdown, I remembered noticing that the process of kneading and shaping the dough seemed to be therapeutic in some way that I couldn’t quite work out. I thought the group would be a good way to connect with other people who were grieving all while doing something I’d previously enjoyed.
What was your experience of attending the group and did it support your grief journey in some way?
It was a really positive experience for me. It felt like a very safe environment where participants had the option to share their own experiences of grief, but equally were under no obligation to talk if they didn’t feel up to it. Even though each person’s grief is unique, I found it inspiring to hear how other participants were trying to navigate life alongside the continued loss in their life. ‘Early grief’ lasts much longer than society generally expects, so it was also good to have somewhere that you didn’t have to pretend to be OK.
And finally, what is your favourite thing to put on toast?
I’ve got a sweet tooth so I’d probably have to say raspberry jam!