We’re pleased to announce that we’re going to be running some workshops with a focus on rye and olive oil based doughs. Feedback from our popular Everyday Bread workshop has suggested people want to learn about more specialist breads as well as the basics. So, as your community supported bakery, we have responded and will be running four workshops throughout June and July. Starting at midday and finishing before 3pm, the sessions will be suitable for newcomers to breadmaking, as well as those with a little experience.

Easy Rye Breads

In this rye based workshop, we’ll look at the differences between rye and wheat based doughs. We’ll make crispbreads and a yeasted loaf, as well as enjoying a smorgesbord style lunch.

Olive Oil Breads

Olive oil is a constituent of many Mediterannean breads, and during this workshop we’ll make grissini, fougasse, and some sweet rosemary enfused buns. We’ll also share a light lunch whilst the dough rises.


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